jules leblanc found dead

We all know the famous YouTuber known as, Jules Leblanc. Well yesterday afternoon on Oct 19th, 2020 at exactly 2:09 pm Jules Leblanc has been found dead on her bedroom floor. Later that Day Jayden Bartles (one of her best friend) she came in her bedroom and saw a piece of glass, it had Jule’s blood on it. Jules had cut 90 times in a row, Jayden starts screaming in crying.”JULES, Please answer me!!”Katie and Hayley ran into Jules’s room and saw Jules on the floor. Her mom called an ambulance immediately. Jayden stayed with her the whole time, Jules passed away at 2:09..7 days later Jayden was depressed for weeks until she posted”You will always be known as my best friend, Rest easy and well with Caleb My queen..” she never posted it and Jules funeral is on Oct 21th,3:30…