Ilan the Bot

Ilan Lapco, a white, privileged, straight, Trump Loving, racist, homophobic, homosexual, male, has been accused of cheating the woke systems. Ilan the Bot as many know is homosexual but he’s also homophobic because he only has sex with men and not women and if two women have sex together he doesn’t like thus making Ilan homophobic. This behavior is unacceptable. On top of that Ilan only has sex with white males making him transphobic as he doesn’t sleep with trans people and racist because it’s only white. He also lives in a very nice house and has a home gym which shows how his money came from exploiting other people because this so called “doctor” charges people to drive to his office for a check up. And while he did go through 10+ years of school and potentially indebted himself with hundreds of thousands of dollars and worked his ass off to get through medical school, it’s still racist that he only fixes noses and he knows that since black people have ugly ass noses he will always get their business. Let’s not even get started with the people he chooses to be friends with. Oh wait, there aren’t any. All in all Ilan the Bot is a racist guy and its so easy to see. In fact, he claims to be Venezuelan yet doesn’t support Maduro, his own leader, what a betrayal to his country.