Charli killed avani and addison breaking News

Charli the famous tiktoker got in a fight with addison addison got strangled avani said I’m calling 911 but instead charli killed her too dixie ended up finding the bodys in a big Bush dixie said charli why did you do this charli replayed with “I got mad do you see my pink eye and she broke my finger and I didnt want to get caught so I killed avani too because she was about to call 911″dixie said I’m calling 911 and charli got arrested for a few years addison’s mom and dad said “I thought charli was nice she would never do this” and avanis mom and dad said “I will never forgive charli for this” the parents went home and cryed for awhile and said “charli I hope you are not happy with your murder you did to my baby” charli got out of jail and when she came house she got adopted and is not in a one story house because her parents gave her 3million dollars and her mom said “she has to get a job her mom said or keep dancing and lose all your followers” charli was depressed and will never forgive herself for what she done