The Mystery of Ryan Ingersoll

For centuries many scientists have been trying to figure out why Ryan Ingersoll (amazing photo of him above) is so stupid, dumb, retarded, idiotic, etc. Most of these scientists went to a mental hospital just by researching his rare mental condition. The scientific name for it is dumbidiotosis he is one of the only people in the world diagnosed with it.

Many of his(none of them consider him their friend) friends can testify to witnessing his HORRIBLE jokes. In fact, one of them said “As soon as he started blabbing about the amazing joke he came up with, I knew there was going to be trouble.” From the research, many interviewers had from interviewing his friends shows his jokes are so bad people get nightmares just from hearing someone mention them.

His classmate(he has been held back for a number of years now) Clarissa claimed to have seen him playing snake, and can witness to his lack of skill. Which is probably part of his rare disease.