Teenage boy assaults a homosexual for flirting with him

Homophobic crimes on the rise!

The teenage boy (named kept secret for personal reasons) thought it would be nice to boost this boys self confidence up so he went up to him and started flirting with him. They were talking for a minute until out of no where Joshua Mendez (the aggressor) punches him out of no where,”I was literally just calling him cute i don’t know why he had to punch me for” says the boy. It didn’t end there Joshua Mendez pushed him to the ground and proceeded to stomp on the homosexual. If it wasn’t for the boys friends joshua could have severely hurt the boy, “yeah i just saw my friend getting beat i had to push him off and when I did the dude just ran”- Jacob Johndon (one of the homosexuals friends)

It took police two days to finally locate Joshua he was at blandair Park with two of his friends that will remain nameless. Joshua Mendez was punished with 3 weeks at a juvenile detention center and one month of community service for resisting arrest, and battery charge.

Joshua’s actions will not be taken lightly if it wasnt for the boy telling his parents not to go to harsh on him he would have been locked up with the older men. All I have to say to joshua then is “dont drop the soap”