Tallahassee, 12 year old girl, found dead after too much WAP

On October 3rd, 4:20 AM, a 12 year old girl with the name of margarett walker was doing the WAP dance while eating chicken nuggets. her sister states that “she was WAPing all night and dropped dead 69 minutes after she ate the nuggies. her funeral will be held at 4:20, 69 days from now. according to the list on her phone, she said she would like every single person she knew at the funeral, even the ones she doesn’t like, so they can pity her death in sorrow of everything that they ever did to her, she also wants her saliva kept in a jar to put in their food and drinks. she would like a kahoot game aswell. and first place gets her apendex, second gets the passwords to her social media and can change her bio to “i look pretty good for a dead bitch” and release her drafts from time to time. and third gets to decorate her locker (and get the combo). the top 5 will get a map after the ceremony and they will go on a scavenger hunt and whoever wins gets her ashes. there will be a drescode of neon clothing and if you show up without it, the servants will be there to dress you up for you. the servants are willy wonkas oompah loompahs, since according to margarett, “willy is one of my sugar daddies”. there will be an honorary soccer game afterwards to celebrate margaretts death. all of her friends on one team and the annoying people she was too good for on the other. she also wants melanie martinez, shawn mendes, billie eilish, the entire cast of obx, and queer eye to be there. the address of where she wants her funeral is wonderworks at panama city beach. if you are caught being sad, you will be escorted to the table of nails. if you dont dress her dead body in clothes that would make her mother go “THAT IS NOT MY DAUGHTER” then you will have to climb to the top of the rope maze and be scared fir your life. please and thank you- article by ur moms a ho