Charlie D’malio Pregnant

Once there was this guy. He was diagnosed with red square face when he was 14. His name head Chase Hudson. Also know on the internet as, “lil huddy.” He got this condition from being too sKinNy. He was also diagnosed with shit licker. What people don’t know about lol huddy is that in 2019 he is the girl that was spotted licking ice cream I’m Walmart…he was immediately sent to a high security hospital by the fbi and was diagnosed with shit licker. In 2021, the world found out this information and kicked him out of the hype house. He decided to get away from everything for awhile by going camping. When he was in his tent, he heard a noise- “shit licker, I see yOuUuU” lil huddy was terrified. He went out of the tent. Only to fall into a black hole. He felt like he was falling for hours. He woke up in a hospital bed. The doctors told him that he was found licking all the ice cream in the nearby 7-11. They put a syringe filled with something that would put him in a coma for the rest of his life.(so he wouldn’t lick all the ice cream) or at least that’s what the doctor told him it was. He grabbed the syringe and put the medicine in the doctors booty. The doctor died. lol huddy jumped out the window before anyone noticed the de ad body. After about 2 weeks, it was the doctors funeral. Lil huddy went in the chapel and watched the funeral. What lol huddy didn’t know was that Charlie d’amalio was looking for him this entire time. She was in luv w him. She also snuck in the funeral, looking for him. They bumped into each other right in the aisle and everyone saw lilhuddy’s face. Charlie yelled, “ I gave birth to your child!” Although she didn’t. She adopted a baby to make it look like it. She stepped toward him. He didn’t say a word. He leaned in to the baby, where the heads we’re almost touching. He licked the baby and vanished into the night.