byjus, white hat jr are mafias

WhiteHatJr and Byjus, stop acting like Mafias.
Pradeep Poonia

Coming directly to point, WhiteHatJr and Byjus are misusing their position, for more than a month I have been trying to post about WhiteHatJr. On whichever platform I go to, either my accounts get suspended or my posts get deleted.
In Summary, till now two Reddit accounts have been suspended permanently, one twitter account, two youtube accounts, 16 videos removed from youtube, and one Quora account temp suspended. You can find the details about what happened in the link given at the end.
WhiteHatJr isn’t letting me post any review about their platform. I started with a video titled ‘Who is Wolf Gupta?’. This particular video has been removed 3 times by now. @WhiteHatJr Why? We all know this kid is fictitious, does not exist. His age keeps on changing between 9-14 y/o. And his salary between 1.2 crores, 20 crores, and 150 crores. To some of you, it might be a normal marketing gimmick but most people would agree that this is not acceptable when target consumers are 6-year-old kids! Such ‘White’ lies are not allowed. Also, do we as a society really want kids to run this high salary rat race? We all know the race never ends and its impact on stress levels. Do we want teenage kids to be concerned about 150 crore salaries or be just kids and enjoy their childhood?
WhiteHatJr is removing almost everything I post trying to question their product and practices. Video after video, account after account, they are just not letting me put my point across. And not just me, anyone who’s posting posts/videos on them, their videos get taken down within 30-45 minutes.
I made a video showing fake reviews of WhiteHatJr app on google play store.
@GooglePlayStore there are hundreds of same copy-pasted fake reviews on WhiteHatJr app. Why can’t you just implement a simple feature to block these fake reviews? Seems like you people are ok with fake reviews.
And when I make a video showing those fake reviews, your sibling company @Youtube removes the videos. What is going on? What copyright gets infringed when I show fake reviews on your google play store of this WhiteHatJr app?
And when I file appeals for counter-notification on youtube, Youtube is rejecting ALL of them stating “It’s unclear to us if you have valid reasons to file a counter-notification”. Seriously? WhiteHatJr is misusing your Google logo in their ads to fool naive Indian parents and to you, it’s unclear what’s happening! Ok. So either accept that you have given permission to WhiteHatJr to use your logo in their ads and Wolf Gupta really works in Google at age 13 or please stop removing my videos from Youtube.
Also, how come WhiteHatJr gets to use Bill Gates photos, Obama videos (which he made 6 years ago for non-profit, Steve jobs pics, BlueOrigin logo, the list goes on, without any permissions. And I can’t show or mention WhiteHatJr names while making a review video on WhiteHatJr? I talked to Adesh Singh Chadha, assistant VP, Byjus regarding this. He said to me who are you to have any issue here, if these famous personalities have any issue their PR team will raise concerns. BUT it’s the consumers who get fooled, your ads won’t have an impact on Bill Gates’s life. So consumers do have the right to question when your ads are misleading and false. When I asked him how come there are so many fake reviews on the WhiteHatJr app at Google Play Store. He told me to go and file a complaint with GooglePlay Store, it’s their fault if that is happening. Why posts get deleted on Reddit, accounts get suspended there, why quora questions were changed by Nandakishore Harikumar, he said how can we control Quora. Entire Quora is filled with fake reviews and see how questions on Quora get changed when they can’t delete so many answers at once.
And @WhiteHatJr claims to teach kids as young as 6-year-olds AI and ML and ‘Space Tech’. And their ads clearly mention that ‘Prior coding experience for teachers isn’t needed’. What magical script have you come up with that you are doing these wonders? I saw their scripts, it even tells teachers when to smile, where to say hello, what fixed examples to give. I really don’t think this is teaching. Every kid is different, everyone has different learning speeds and needs different examples. How would their single script be effective on lakhs of students? It will just create innumerous average coders. Our generation was running behind engineering and now it’s the coding maina.
And what about kids? I thought we all were on the same page after the movie ‘Tareen Zameen Par’ but here we are again pushing kids into coding. Let 6 y/o play outdoors on swings and not ruin their childhood chasing after pipe dreams of a 150 crore salary. We all have seen the outcome of IIT/IIM tag frenzy. Many people got depressed, many innocent kids also took their lives. How hard will this 150 crore salary burst and how will teenagers cope up with it? This must stop or else soon 3 years old will be targeted