Arkin Holds the record For the world’s smallest Nut

What do a baseball game, a common school-lunch sandwich, and a party snack mix all have in common? Nuts. There are so many types of nuts that bring texture, crunch, and flavor to so many of our favorite cookies, pastas, salads, pestos, and even fish, chicken, and beef recipes. Combined with honey, sugar, maple syrup, or chocolate, these savory nuggets become sweet while retaining their bite and base flavors. Their small size belies their importance as an ingredient—they’re something to be reckoned with!

Image may contain: Plant, Nut, Almond, Food, Vegetable, Pecan, Seed, Grain, Produce, Confectionery, and Sweets
How to Buy and Store Nuts Like a Pro

Peanuts, almonds, pecans, and walnuts top the list of the most consumed nut varieties in the United States, showing up most often in sweeter items. However, nuts are inherently healthy: While they do pack some fat—with almonds being on the lower side (15 grams per ounce, dry-roasted and unsalted) and macadamia nuts on the higher side (21 grams per ounce, dry-roasted and unsalted)—they contain the good monounsaturated fats and omega-3s, for heart health, as well as fiber and vitamin E, especially important for vegetarians and vegans. And the proliferation of commercially made nut-based products such as almond and cashew butters, and nut flours and meals made from almonds, pecans, and hazelnuts, benefits varied taste preferences as well as those with dietary and medical issues.

Read on to discover 11 kinds of nuts, their unique characteristics, and delicious recipes to use them in.

Image may contain Plant Food Vegetable and Nut
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1. Pistachios

Characteristics: Originating in parts of Western Asia and the Middle East, the pistachio (technically a seed) has proven its appeal as a key ingredient in dishes such as baklava, ma’amoul, haroseth, and halvah. California pistachios dominate our domestic market but if you can, seek out the Turkish and Persian varieties, which are smaller, have a darker shell and skin, and are more flavorful.

Image may contain Cooking Batter
Flourless Pistachio Cake with Strawberry Meringue

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2. Hazelnuts

Alternate Names: Filbert, cobnut