It is found that unicorns are real, as seen in the picture, but although they may look cute they are dangerous as many tourists found unicorns in the island of Mauritius and most of them didn’t come back alive. So beware for the quote unicorns are rare. Yes they are rare but they are real and very dangerous. Here are some ideas of what to do when you see a unicorn from Rachel lavender an anthropologist from USA and also a unicorn survivor. She had been on a fight with a unicorn. Luckily she knew just what to do. When you see a unicorn hide behind a tree they have bad eyesight, if the unicorn approaches you grab crackers if you have one and if you don’t just carefully lay down and do not make a move so then the unicorn will think you are dead and will go away but if the unicorn wants to fight grab a stick from the ground and poke them that way the unicorn will realize that you are playing with him/her. Thank you for reading.