Icons “Joe and ‘Drin” Die From Drowning in Drip

The iconic duo “Joe and ‘Drin,” otherwise known as Jordan Burns and Madalyn Taylor, have recently passed away in a drowning accident. They were reported to be “so dripped out” and they just couldn’t take it. Luckily, no bystanders, who witnessed the drip, were harmed. It is rumored that the famous lyrics “I tried to scream, but my head was underwater” was inspired by their tragic passing. To many, they were known as hilarious, perfect, and gay. They will be remembered for their great work in opening their personal business “The Shop.” Jordan, had many interests, including sports, loving Harry Styles, and just never shutting the fuck up. Madalyn on the other hand, enjoyed pancakes, private accounts, and burning down her Minecraft house like 50 fucking times, like seriously, Jesus Christ. Many pondered at how they were such an incredible duo, despite their enormous height difference. We reached out to some family and friends to ask them about what they will remember about the two, and here are a few of their responses. One said, “The biggest dykes I ever stumbled across,” “Bitches deserved to die, who the fuck is scared of frogs?” another said, and lastly “I didn’t even fucking like them.” While these deaths are incredibly saddening, at least they are in a better place, actually, they aren’t, they were sinning bastards.