Yeralmy died

Yeralmy Cruz is an a great person Her best friend is Rossy Ingram she died on August 7-16-2020 her birth was on February 02-28-2009 she died because she went outside and got shot on her neck but before she made a text to her best friend and said ima make a slip ima work on it instead she got shot and she is found dead in 167 Grand concourse street she will be going to Lebanon hospital for surgery if they can’t help she might die or be on coma … send this to rossy for she can prob call her phone number or text her on Roblox to the 11 year old little girl who died with the name Yeralmy Cruz ( rossy best friend who called her sis or bff) πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ‘‹πŸ˜­πŸ˜ͺ😐😐 her parents are in the hospital right now they might have a heart attach I feel bad for the little girl who died.