Tiago Di Stinkabetto likes Madeline Gregory

Tiago Di Benedetto from St Benedict’s in South Africa in Bedfordview who lives in Dunveagan. He is Italian and his moms name is Eloisa he stinks like hell he has a crush on me gregory he has a imple on his boob. He looks like an ogres swamp he smells like poo and i don’t like it or him he had a butt face and his fingers are chubby his ears look like pointy elf ears he stinks like polony because he is Italian he smells like fresh farts and bums that haven’t been cleaned he never flushes the toilet he never showers that is why he smells like rotten beans and raw meat he has a crush on me but i don’t like him and he dresses like he works in a cheese factory he smells of pooey farts and raw 🍖 meat he eyes are the colour of my poo his hair is the colour of my dog who rolls in the mud he also poops in his sink and sent me pics of his poo. He look like trash Xx Madeline Gregory