Thousands of Cats and Dogs Die of COVID-19

Hundreds of thousands of cats and dogs have contracted the coronavirus, and thousands of them have died. Mrs.Weiner is a retired vet, author, and has 7 cats and 2 dogs. Many of her pets have gotten the virus, and one of her cats has died. On August 5th, Mrs.Weiner said, β€œ The China virus has taken one of my fur babies. Both my dogs and 3 of my cats have gotten the virus too. I am kissing them every day so they know I love them. I am not worried of getting the China virus.” On August 21st, Mrs.Weiner was diagnosed with COVID-19 and was hospitalized and on a ventilator. She died the next day. Recent scientific studies have shown that the virus is five times as deadly for cats and dogs as it is for humans. Experts say you should social distance your pets from any humans or animals from other households. This is a cause of alarm for all pet owners. This is very worrisome, and the media is not putting enough coverage on this topic. Please keep your pets safe.