Hello people of America we are back with your daily news and today we have to discuss something very important that has basically put all of our lives as humans to risk.

Astronomers state that a meteor as big as the US is spiraling right into the center of the Earth. In case u didnt know, it takes a meteor 60 miles wide in order to destroy all humans so this right here is basically death for sure.

But at the moment scientists are working to send an object into the meteor to throw it off its path and keep it from destroying all of humanity. It is said that the object will be another rock that is about 150 miles wide! People are questioning how they will create this big of a rock but i personally think that we should have trust in the scientists of the world.

If they don’t have this rock flying towards the meteor by august 16 there is no hope because then the rock wont have enough time to meet the meteor

This is all the news we have for 11:00 AM on this wonderful but scary morning. Tune in at 3:00 for more information about the meteor and scientific discoveries.
This is channel 46 news saying, goodbye America!!!