The zombies

It was the first day of robloxian high everyone was exited to make new friends and lern but..when it turned night time a girl named mia saw something out the window then she told everyone to look trough the window but the zombies broke in the school then they bite the teacher whlie the students were up in the vent then they ended up in the princapals office the students told him there were zombies he didnt belive the students he disided to walk them back to class but then he saw the zombies in the class room then he ran away whlie the students were in the supply room mia and the students grabed all the wepons in the room then one student named zoey called the police then they ended up fighting the zombies then the homeless man took the students to the sewers then they found the boss keren they defeated her the endπŸ˜…(hope you enjoyedπŸ˜†)