This morning Lebron the famous all-star basketball player was found dead this morning near the lake.
Suspects say that they saw another man in the water and Lebron being the nice all-star leader he is he decided to go help the poor man.When he entered the water he was grabbed from underneath the water,we have no idea how but Lebron was pulled so far deep he started losing oxygen.By the time the Ambulance,Police arrived at the scene Lebron was already floating back up from underneath the police went to grab they declared him dead because Lebron was suffocated and since he couldn’t breath he lost all oxygen in his body.His family was devastated but life moves on. Just never HOPE.!
We wish only the best lebrons family.This year has been terrible but as a wise inspirational man has taught me (we can only get thought it by staying strong and helping each) Dhar Mann
That’s it for today’s BREAKING NEWS!! more information will be added Monday August 17th.