Incoming North Junior High School student found dead after overdose

To be incoming 7th grade North Junior High School Student, Adelyn Barnes was found dead in her kitchen after overdosing on several different pills. Her parents and newborn brother were at the grocery store, when they found the 7th grader. The reason for her actions are unknown. Autopsies show she swallowed aproximently 45 pills from a few different bottles from their medicine cabinet. During this pandemic, the family and the authorities are trying to spread the story of the pre teen, who is assumed to have overdosed because of the Covid-19 restrictions. These struggling times can be extremely hard for people and children who are doing the right things, and not going to any outside of family meetings even though it can be tempting. Adeyln Barnes’s funeral will be held at Alexander Funeral Chapel (North location), August 6, from 1-4 pm. Adeyln’s mother said, “Anyone wanting to pay condolences may visit the funeral site, and social distancing and wearing masks are mandatory.” (The family wishes to not put up any pictures just yet.)