Charli quits tik tok

Chari Damelio has unfortunately quit Tiktok, I hear you ask why? Well Charli herself has said “Tiktok is turned to be all about hate, I would be lying if I said it didn’t affect me” she also added on about little kids making hate pages, “its not a joke for five year old kids making hate pages about creator, its not a joke”

Addison Rae, another famous creator has said “I am so upset into what Tiktok has become, so many funny and loving creators have left, soon everyone will leave and all of you will regret starting the hate” Addison has chose to take a month of Tiktok because she has had enough of everything, she has said she will stay on Tiktok of course as she loves her fans

The parents of Charli damelio completely support Charli’s decision and are looking to grow her career in another way, Dixie damelio is also upset as she knew how much Charli loves her fans and has realized just how much Charli has been affected

So whats happening now? Well people are going crazy saying Dixie Damelio is the next to take on Tiktok and will finally be known for more than just Charli’s sister, also good news is that Addison Rae and Dixie damelio are now seeming to be the best of friends! Dixie and addison have admitted that they are getting much closer now

The sad news is that Charli Damelio has been extremely upset lately, she is taking a short break and will be back on YouTube, twiter and Instagram after a week