Boris Johnson says schools will not return until 2022

Prime Minister Boris Johnson says in his latest television interview that it would be unsafe for schools to return all pupils until September 2022. Children all over the country will be missing years of education, but “It’s for their own wellbeing” he quotes whilst addressing the nation. Currently y11 and y12 pupils around the UK are being given their grades by email and are sitting their exams in their own homes, and more pupils to do so may be yet to come, he warns. At first, Johnson was set in the idea that ALL schools and it’s pupils would return in September 2020, but that idea is “unrealistic and unachievable if we want to keep the nation safe from unprecedented dangers” warn health officials. “We haven’t escaped the clutches of this terrible disease just yet, we’re just thinking of an escape” “It will come back for us someday, sooner than some of us may think” At first, when there were only 3 or 4 cases emerging, we all thought. “This won’t hurt me, It’ll die down soon.” Natural thoughts: warns Lydia Helms, Junior Nurse for Northern General Hospital in Sheffield. “We aren’t out of the woods just yet.”

Gayle Tarren, News Reporter

And you just got PRANKED!!!
Good one, right?
From Kara 😂