Australian Women Claims “I fucked the cow and then killed it” Now Faces Multiple Charges

An Australian Women by the name of Beth Goodwin, is facing serious charges after alledgedly engaging in sexual intercourse with her father’s farm animals, that animal being a very vulnerable cow. Beth apparently approached the cow, late Saturday evening and pushed it over, shortly after sitting on it’s face and rubbing her vaginal area upon the cow.

After two long hours of intercourse, she had damaged the cows udder by violently pulling and sucking on it. Beth then proceeded to pull the cow all the way up to her father’s slaughter house, killing the it and proceeding to again, engage in sexual acts with the cut up meat. She spat and excreted on it, before packaging it, to be sold to the local markets for next weekend.

Luckily her father figured out what had happened, concluding that he never gave her permission to go and even check up on the cows, let alone cut and package one. He checked his residence security footage, and found his own daughter commiting sexual acts to the cow, sending the packaged meat to be examined.

The results are yet to be finalised, but it was discovered that Beth has over 12 STD’s, meaning this could have had serious reprocutions, if consumed by market customers the following weekend. Beth is awaiting trial and will face court next week. We will provide you with an updated article, after the awaited trial convictions.