Tony Lopez shot

On July 20th 2020 Tony Lopez has gone missing during early hours of the day. Later on at 12pm, Tony Lopez was found dead in the middle of Beverly Hills woods. It has been reported that he had been shot several times in the chest and head. Family and friends are very upset about the incident and have said a few words. Ondreaz’I never thought this day would come but it has, I just can’t imagine being without my brother. he is a part of me and he will always have a place in my heart’.
His funeral will be 28th July 2020, family and friends have asked if some fans would like to come as Tony always said ‘if I die I want my fans to be at my funeral just to remind me I am loved’. If anybody has an suspicion on who shot Tony Lopez please call 0800 789 241 or text FOUND to 428.