The truth about Pink Cows

Everyone has wondered where it comes from now we know. Austin Carter 43-year-old cow farmer is one of the last farmers that raises Strawberry (Pink)Cows. Because of the Fragaria Ananassa injection, standard livestock farmers no longer have to go through the lengthy process of raising/herding Strawberry Cows. “Strawberry Cows are delicate creatures— and to raise/herd the Strawberry Cow you must become a Strawberry Cow.” Carter says. Strawberry Cows are carefully brought in from Heroica Veracruz, Mexico, and have to spend two straight weeks out in the field with the farmer (Carter) at their “back and call” with water, massages, blankets, etc. until they are used to the environment.
The The Fragaria Ananassa injection was developed in Newalla Oklahoma, and all it requires is and injection into each of the Cows utters, and partially organic milk is made.
Even though it takes time to raise/herd Strawberry Cows, Carter believes that these are “Gods beloved creatures, with a heavenly gift.” He milks the old fashioned way to keep the cows calm and the strawberry milk sweet. He continues to raise, herd, and breed a little over 10,000 Strawberry Cows with the help of his family. Hopefully our treasured drink will forever live on through the Austin Carter family and many others.
Unfortunately Strawberry cows are becoming more and more endangered by the passing time. See also
Now it is our turn to do our part in the saving of our beloved Strawberry Cows.