One Direction Hanging Out with Fans

2 girls from Indonesia are invited by One Direction to celebrate their reunion of 10 years of One Direction.

We know that on July 23rd 2020, One Direction hits 10 years along with the directioners. And as celebrating their reunion, they will choose 2 fans to come have a dinner with them. Fyi they choosing through their Instagram’s followers. After 10 hours of waiting, we finally can see who they are. They announced the winners on snapchat. And…. the lucky fans are…. @elservegolioth and @chassiiie. CONGRATS!!!

Unfortunately, the world has a pandemic of covid-19. We’ve known this virus killed thousands of lives. And as you can tell, I’m actually just day dreamed. Yeah..SIKE!!! IT IS A PRANK!!

I really am sorry for anyone who take this way seriously, this is just for fun. I didn’t mean to hurt everyone’s heart, and didn’t mean to disrespect One Direction. Bc, I love 1D and the directioners <3. Anyways.. ty for reading, lol.

Have a nice day! SIKE!!! I mean, HAPPY 10 YEARS OF ONE DIRECTION!!!!