NOTE: This is an exclusive paper! Not many people have heard about this yet!

It was only 3 days ago when Charli and Dixie announced their brand new makeup collaboration with Morphe, ‘2 x Charli and Dixie’. Yesterday evening at 12:48 am exactly, Dixie was found in the local drug store, stealing multiple items, including ‘florence’ by mills, ‘Kylie Cosmetics’ and other celebrity brands.

“I wasn’t thinking at all. I got drunk underaged and went a bit crazy. I was unsure if our products would be safe after seeing multiple celebrities’ products give the buyers allergic reactions. I think that Charli should definitely go ahead with the production, seeing as we’ve announced it. To all my fans and people who look up to me, I am extremely, extremely sorry.” Dixie states.

“Dismayed, I am.” Heidi, their mother, says, “I won’t let the girls post for the next day or so. Apologies. Dixie most likely won’t be on social media for a while. I am extremely sorry, fans.”

Later on today, Charli will announce this on her instagram live stream. Remember, this is exclusive so you won’t see any more news websites with this!

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