Charli and Dixie D’amelio’s makeup line cancelled

It was only yesterday when the two D’amelio siblings announced their new morphe makeup brand, and now it is not going to happen. This is because Dixie D’amelio was caught last night stealing multiple celebrity cosmetics from the store near her house, ‘SaTrell Beauty’. Charli will be announcing it later on her Instagram live.

“Utterly devastated” Heidi, their mother says, “I expected so much from my daughters. I think the pressure of being a celebrity is getting to them. This isn’t like them at all. I will be talking further about this with Dixie. She will be banned from social media for some time.”

Charli has stated herself that the multiply produced makeup can’t go to waste, so they will decide if they will go ahead with the product only letting Charli being the sponsor, or completely ban this makeup line. “Fans will be disappointed,” Charli states, “And we can’t let all the money put in to it go to waste.”

The rest of this has been kept private. Because