Addison Rae found jailed for murder

The popular and famous addison Rae. Who knew that her fame would cause her to over boost her pride and commit such a big seen?
On 28th July 2020,addison was found in court for committing murder.
Who did she murder?this is what the court refuses to tell the public until she has been punished for it. But we have a little clue it might have been Charlie damelio.due to their competition(on tiktok). First it was a small cruel until addison got so upset got a knife and doom. Charlie was lying dead. Addison was brought to court and said “it was a mistake, I didn’t mean to,I’m sorry,I’m a bad person “. So as we get to the bottom of this. In the meantime, addison has set a gang of lawyers to help her and her parents as well. As the oldest child, has she put a good impression to her young ones?
This is a sad question.
Stay tuned for more to come information 😒😿

It was a prankπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Thanks for reading
Addison Rae and Charlie d’amelio we sure do love you😍
Sorry for the fake shock….